
Heat Safety Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your business is prepared to keep your employees cool and safe when temperatures rise.
Heat Safety Checklist
Get the Checklist

Heat Is the Leading Weather-Related Killer — And it’s Getting More Dangerous

It’s every employer’s legal responsibility to provide a safe, healthy, hazard-free workplace for its workers. With global temperatures rising, OSHA’s National Emphasis Program for heat is taking steps to ensure employers extend workplace safety to extreme heat awareness. With heat safety requirements and guidance, your team will be prepared to mitigate the kinds of extreme heat emergencies that lead to illness and injuries (or worse).

Put an end to extreme heat emergencies in your workplace.

Ensure you are following the necessary workplace standards and processes to protect your people from heat-related hazards. With this detailed checklist, you’ll:

  • Get safety recommendations for extreme heat stretches
  • Adopt safety policies that prevent heat illness and injuries
  • Learn how to interpret each of the 3 excessive heat notices
  • Identify the symptoms of individuals experiencing extreme heat
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