
No Time to Spare: Meeting Expectations for Always-On Employee Safety

As critical events continue to increase in size and scale, understanding which threats pose a risk to employee safety and business operations has become an essential component of effective emergency preparedness, management, and response.

In this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn how your organization can improve situational awareness and overall preparedness through proactive threat identification and employee communication.
two colleagues looking at desktop computer monitor with AlertMedia threat software map showing
Watch the Webinar Now

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn:

  • Which threats pose the greatest risk to businesses and how to navigate them
  • Best practices for identifying, verifying, and responding to incidents faster
  • How your organization can take a proactive approach to employee safety and business continuity

Featured Speakers

  • Sara Pratley Headshot
    Sara Pratley
    VP of Global Intelligence, AlertMedia
  • Peter Steinfeld Headshot
    Peter Steinfeld
    SVP of Safety Solutions, AlertMedia
Discover a Better Way to Communicate During Critical Events
With AlertMedia, keeping your workforce safe, informed, and connected during an emergency has never been easier.

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