
5 Gaps in Your Lone Worker Safety Program

Our webinar helps managers and supervisors ensure they have a robust safety program in place to protect their lone workers from danger. You'll leave with more confidence to protect your staff before, during, and after an incident.
a home health care nurse greets her patient as she enters the patient's home
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Learn About Potential Gaps in Your Lone Worker Safety Program

Implementing an effective lone worker safety program can help organizations promote a strong safety culture, keep all their employees safe, and protect their business from costly legal action. Putting employees first when it comes to their health, safety, and well-being is simply good for business.

In this webinar recording we cover:

  • 5 key topics most organizations are missing from their plan
  • Crucial elements to every lone worker safety program
  • Questions you should be asking your lone workers
  • How the best organizations keep their people safe
  • Real-life stories of lone worker safety

Featured Speaker

  • AlertMedia_Resources_Speakers_Penelope Doherty
    Penelope Doherty
    Program Development Expert, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
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