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The Associated Press on Improving Journalist Safety

Journalists face increasing risks today. From civil unrest and military coups to stalking and online harassment, responding to and reporting on events can come with a lot of danger.

That’s why Ian Phillips, Vice President of International News for The Associated Press, was tasked with launching a new initiative focused on the safety, security, and mental well-being of journalists.

In this episode, guest host Sara Pratley speaks with Ian about his new role and his advice for ensuring the safety of any traveling, dispersed, or lone workers.

We discuss:

  • The evolution of journalist safety
  • The need for risk analysis when traveling to hotspots
  • The benefits of partnering with industry peers on safety
  • AP’s initiatives to support employee mental health

The Employee Safety Podcast is hosted by Peter Steinfeld, SVP of Safety Solutions at AlertMedia.

You can find this interview and many more by subscribing to The Employee Safety Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or here.

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